Best of 2019 | Thank you

2019 has certainly been eventful! It’s been a wonderful year for business…I’ve been able to meet some of the most amazing couples and ladies across the last 12 months. I cannot tell you how much of an honour it is that so many couple trust me to capture their special days, business with their branding and ladies to give them a space to empower themselves! 2019 was a bitter sweet year for me personally. On one hand i was blessed enough to win ‘Wedding Photographer of the Year’ for the second year running with The English Wedding Awards and had more features in magazines and online that i count, yet this was the year I had to say goodbye to both my fur babies. I almost feel guilty for celebrating the year, as silly as that sounds.

However, there are so many images, beautiful venues, exceptional vendors and love that I’m dying to share with all of you! Not to mention the amount of thank you’s I have. So, I’ve decided to include something from every wedding and shoot that I possibly can this year…a special and heartfelt thank you to my brides, grooms and fearless women for letting me share your journey, helping me live mine and be a part of yours!

This year I completed my Disney series, worked with the Suicide Girls, started serving the wedding industry with wedding showcases that served the soul with Vickie from Spectacular Scenes, worked with International Proposal Team: The Proposers to capture some beautiful events, redesigned my branding, won a photography award, travelled the UK, visited Greece and most importantly…learned to take self care days whilst enjoying my family.

Here’s to an incredible 2020 - my only goal is to be better than i was before. Just do you!


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