Why have an adventure?

Why not?!!!

Let’s face it, it’s not everyday you get your photo taken and not everyone loves to have theirs captured. So make the most of it, have fun…go on an adventure, do something you love to help you feel at ease, take a trip, create new memories and have the photographs as as a snapshot caught forever.


Combine your session with a mini getaway. There are beautiful locations in England as well easy access to cities like Paris and Amsterdam, direct from London for as little £39 each way! Now it usually means an earlier start to avoid the tourists, but there’s nothing quite like it. Paris hotspots include The Eiffel Tower, Pont Alexandre III, Domaine National du Palais-Royal, cafes and so much more. Amsterdam central locations include The Canals, Vondelpark and Dam Square….and a pastry couldn’t be missed.

There are amazing for celebrating yourself or each other! Make it a date, for fun or and celebration/anniversary.

Dress by JJs House, Beauty is Sally Pearman.

Home Date/Activity

In the colder months, these can be ideal…perfect for holidays or just cosying up. Some ideas for your couples shoot are baking, making pizza, painting, or any other activity you’d love…you can also book onto a workshop or have date night out!

Home Studio is Your Choice Photography, Couple are Tom & Lanina, MUAH by Lanina’s Beauty Box.

Road Trip!

Take the opportunity to explore….Pick a destination and see what happens. Go to the beach for sun rise, picnic in the park, hike in the moors with the lavender, pizza on the car, dance under the stars, piggy backs in the sun.

Dresses for image 1 and 3 are by Millia London. Image 1 is MUA Victoria Marley, image 2 is Charlie and image 3 is Phebie.